Adapting to Life

Life has a way of throwing up unexpected suprises when you least expect it. That might sound oxymoronic, but that's life. This blog will reflect on the suprises in my life and how I adapt to it. In layman's term, it's a place where I can vent all my angst and trumpet all my joys.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

*Adapting to Love*: Second chances & Friends

I know that I have not been blogging a lot.. And to my faithful readers, all 1 of you, I apologize.

October 14 2005 was a bad / good day. It started off with my boss telling me my confirmed flight to Sydney on Monday for work has been cancelled. Together with that, my plans to go Brisbane for a holiday. There goes AUD 150...

Then she called... Telling me not to screw up at work... We talked for a bit and I still came to the same conclusion. I cannot be friends with her. She was upset, and I asked should we meet up... She said she was going away for the weekend...

Then she called, saying that she wanted to meet up with me... I went to see her and we started talking. It took a lot of guts for her to tell me what she has been going through and how she truly felt about me. She realised that she made a mistake, and that she truly was in love with me.

So we are working things out now, and we are taking things slowly. For my friends and families who was there for me, please don't stop caring or advising me. I may be making a mistake, but I know that if I do not give us a second chance, then I would definitely have made a mistake.

The depth of compassion and patience that was shown to me by all of you truly shows that I must have done something right in my past life to be so lucky. It is a debt that owe all of you, and I hope when the time is there, I am able to pay my debts to all of you.

To my friends, both old and new, a BIG THANK YOU... Though these are mere words, please know that I truly do mean it from the bottom of my heart....

In no particular order... Eileen, Shiao Fong, Vay Fern, Lawerence, Diana, Ai Rin, Chong, Hardeep, Jong Chiueh, Isabel, Say Young, Savita, Deepa, Carolyn, Li Tinn, Mamm, Keen Soon, Alicia, Spa King, Meling Mudin, Sheila Philip, "Nigger Tan", Ruben, Alex, Chai Ling, Leonard, Jackie, Kheng Teong, Jes Min, Ensun, Khairul, Kevin Krishna, Charmaine, Anusha, Gary Teh, Sashi, Geraldine, Vae Thien, Michelle, Mon Yee, Fong Ming and the rest of you...

Thank you for your honest opinions, for the tarot card readings, for the pity dates, for listening to me whine, for the overseas phone calls, for accompanying me, for the cigars, for sharing your expriences, for understanding and most importantly, for caring. I know that when times are good, we are seldom there for each other, due to a variety of reasons - work, family, dating, etc - but when times are bad, all of you were there for me...

I owe each and every single one of you.

Thank you again and God bless all of you.


Blogger keensoon said...

We'll upgrade to Monte Cristo 3 the next time I can afford it ;)

In the meantime, enjoy life and be happy!

1:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fucker, you forgot me :P

7:22 AM  

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