Adapting to Life

Life has a way of throwing up unexpected suprises when you least expect it. That might sound oxymoronic, but that's life. This blog will reflect on the suprises in my life and how I adapt to it. In layman's term, it's a place where I can vent all my angst and trumpet all my joys.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

*Adapting to Life*: Company Annual Dinner

No bitching, so serious posting... Just some pictures from my company's annual dinner. It was movie night, so everyone had to come in costume. Pictures consists of friends, a drinking coach and my project team members.

Good night of drinks (My alcohol tolerance level seems to have increased), friends who are colleagues, and hot fantasy costumes...


Blogger Mirebella said...

What's up with the facial hair look?

8:15 PM  
Blogger Adapterboy said...

Long week, didn't really bother shaving that week... Oh well. It's all gone now.

1:23 AM  
Blogger tml said... look...i like the Joker costume. ;-)

12:58 PM  
Blogger firethorn said...

how come didn't paint your cheeks red like the joker face on your costume? :P

4:51 PM  
Blogger jiawen said...

whao... fren, tak pernah tengok u in that kind of clothing before leh... seems like u had a fun nite huh... hehe... : D

10:46 PM  

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