Adapting to Life

Life has a way of throwing up unexpected suprises when you least expect it. That might sound oxymoronic, but that's life. This blog will reflect on the suprises in my life and how I adapt to it. In layman's term, it's a place where I can vent all my angst and trumpet all my joys.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

*Adapting to Love*: Valentine Day: Part Deux

Obviously today has been a really bad day for me. Never had a proper Valentine and seems to be filled with memorable incidents. There was once this girl who I was attracted to, took her out for Valentine day (After saying that she doesn't believe in it, then changed her mind) and got herself a boyfriend a week later.

Last year, my Wildfire Princess then was back in her hometown for Chinese New Year. Had a great time after that though as I suprised her by getting red bedsheets and pillow cases for her bedroom and wrote the poem for her.

This year as highlighted in part I, was a bad Valentine again. My friends at work realised how down I was and got together and sent me a card (Pictured above). I have not cried yet but almost did when I read the card... I was sincerely touched by their kindness and thoughts. A new colleague who I just met also signed the card. Guess the feeling was like an Etiophian kid seeing his first Pizza Hut. It meant a lot to me and was really touched.

Although I have to say, they must have really felt bad for me to lie so blatantly on the card... "I'm Too Sexy For This Badge"... Something which they will never admit to be true even under the threat of death... So I must have looked pretty bad to warrant such lies. (Insert your favourite George Bush joke here).

To all my friends, thank you all for the cards, the brutally honest comments and also remedies that worked in the past.


Blogger firethorn said...

I would smile and say thanks,
for having such wonderful colleagues in hand,
V-day is not just for lovers,
it's also for friends who love us,
I may not be your valentine yesterday,
but still I wish you a happy belated V-day!


10:12 AM  
Blogger tml said...

i'm glad to know that u have wonderful colleagues !

1:12 PM  
Blogger J @ ~ ! < € said...

Good friends are to treasure... Happy belated V-day to you too...

4:18 PM  
Blogger yen4travel said...

u have such good buddies around, so yer betta cheer up ok!happy belated va-va-VDay to u!

2:32 AM  
Blogger jiawen said...

yup yup... you have such a wonderful gang of friends... ^_^

happy belated vday... : )

12:54 AM  

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