*Adapting to Humour* : When should we tailgate?
I am sure we all seen the advertistments on the television and newspaper print, and even heard it on the radio... Why we should not tailgate ... (In the TV ad, an Evo and a Wira was invovled, and somehow only the Wira got smashed up, a sign of no budget?)
To be honest, I tailgate cars all the time... And I believe that sometimes there are situations where tail-gating the car in front of you is acceptable, sometimes even encouraged...
I tail-gate when ...
- The car in front is driving slower on the right lane than the cars in the middle lane.
- The car in in front ignored my high beams.
- The driver in front is just being plain selfish and endagering others by not getting out of the way and encouraging drivers to overtake him on the left.
- The driver in front is just being plain lazy by not respecting other road drivers. If enough people tailgate him / her, maybe he / she will know how to drive in the correct lane in the future.
Happy tailgating folks!!!!